Luci and Nicholas at One Month

Luci and Nicholas are one month old today, and they're looking less like the itty bitty preemies we brought home and more like full-term newborns.

As of Wednesday's pediatrician appointment, they have both surpassed their birth weights. Luci now weighs in at 5.3 pounds, and Nicholas is 5.13 pounds. They're still small, obviously, but it doesn't feel like I'm carrying around a pile of chicken bones when they're in my arms anymore. Isabella's newborn sleepers are still way to large for them, though.
We have heard from so many people that "Nicholas really looks like a boy and Luci really looks like a girl" and we had this exact same impression the first time we saw them together. Nicholas looks like Isabella did when she was an infant. They have the same olive complexion and big eyes, and he has the same monkey pelt of hair on his back that she did when she was born. He loves to eat and probably takes in twice as much as Luci does. He is perpetually hungry, and much more vocal than his twin. He's quite the screamer when getting his diaper changed or he's ready for his next meal. Isabella and Nicholas both have the same intense, vocal personality, which they get from their mother.
Luci looks like neither of us and no one in either of our families. She is little miss mellow and rarely fusses or cries. She is laidback and generally calm and quiet. This only furthers my speculation that the two of us are not biologically related.
They'll sometimes sleep for four hours between feedings now, although unfortunately, very rarely at night, when they're up every three (or fewer) hours. This, of course, sucks, as each time it takes an hour to feed, diaper, burp, and get the two of them back to sleep. I figure I'm averaging about 5 hours of sleep a night.
They spend most of the day sleeping in the pack-n-play in my living room, and are able to sleep amidst the tornado of activity and cacophony of sound Isabella generates on a daily basis. Oddly enough, even when one wakes up and is screaming mere inches away from the other, the sleeping twin will stay fast asleep.
Between the twins and Isabella (who is nowhere even close to being potty-trained despite my half-assed efforts) we are burning through about 25-30 diapers a day.
Imagine, if you will, what my house smells like at the end of the day.


To those of you who have so kindly sent the twins gifts: I have been horribly lax with my thank-you notes. But, know that I am eternally grateful for your kindness and thoughtfulness, and your proper thank-you is coming in the mail soon.

12 Responses to “Luci and Nicholas at One Month”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous

    WOW - 1 month already. That sure went by fast (for me anyway :)

    Too precious.

    Please don't bother yourself with a thank you card for me. I know you, and you'll do it anyway, but please don't. You have more important things to do with those rare spare moments...  

  2. # Anonymous Anonymous

    1 month already? Holy crap. Next time I wake up, they'll probably be graduating high school or something!  

  3. # Anonymous Anonymous

    It really is hard to believe it's already been a month, although I'm sure most days drag for you.

    They are just so sweet, and I *love* that last photo of them. :-)  

  4. # Blogger Marie

    Soooo sweet! Can't imagine all those diapers! I think I remember a couple of those sleepers ;-)

    Happy 1st month, little lovies!  

  5. # Blogger My Wombinations

    They are crazy cute and I, of course, also cannot believe it has been a month. I am so remiss on sending the gifts currently languishing on my hall tree waiting to go to Post. I promise Monday!  

  6. # Blogger Mom24

    I cannot believe a whole month has flown by, that's incredible. I forget who was born first, but I've always heard the third child is really mellow. ;-)

    I really hope they start sleeping longer at night soon.  

  7. # Blogger Pregnantly Plump

    Time sure does fly! They are so, so cute! That final picture is too sweet!
    Hopefully the nighttime sleeping will start kicking in soon!  

  8. # Blogger Shannon

    i love how you said your house smells lol... ohhh too funny! They are just sooo cute...  

  9. # Blogger In transit

    1 month already!
    Great photos of them both :)  

  10. # Blogger kenju

    Wonderful photos. I LOVE the last one, where he appears to be kissing her forehead.  

  11. # Blogger Chastity

    They are precious. Can you believe it's been a month already?? Other times I'm sure you're thinking "Has it only been a month!?". lol  

  12. # Blogger Jesser

    As usual, I'm truly in awe of anyone taking are of TWO newborns. And that last photo is almost too cute for words.  

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