Isabella and I are off to a toddler Halloween party at the children's museum, then a trip to her grandma's and great aunt's houses so they can see her in her costume. The evening will conclude with a few house's worth of trick-or-treating, whereby the biggest draw will not be the candy, but the ringing of doorbells.
What are you doing to celebrate Halloween today?
Too cute!
Maybe we'll see you at the museum!!
I am in awe of you. I cannot believe you are going out and about. Have a wonderful time. I'm going to be running Julianna's party at school, then home to get ready for trick-or-treat and Julianna's birthday tomorrow. Then, tonight, trick or treat and lots of Mommy guilt trying to decide if I miss seeing Rebekah perform at the marching band state competition tonight or if I keep J&J up until 11 on Halloween with her birthday tomorrow so I can go.
Enjoy your wonderful day.
I *love* that first photo of Isabella! That's definitely frame-worthy.
Bridget and I are off to her preschool Halloween party from 10-12, and then I have to rush home and try to put the finishing touches on R&S, write an article for my yuck job, and get ready for trick-or-treating. Truth be told, I'm a bit of a Halloween Scrooge. It's my least favorite holiday.
Good for you for getting out! I remember when Jacob was a week old and I took Hannah to the grocery store with me one evening (this was on Halloween). The clerk asked if I would be taking her trick-or-treating to which I replied, "she doesn't really understand, and I had a baby just a week ago anyway." An old granny behind me asked, "What are you doing at the grocery store if you've only just had a baby?!" I felt like saying, "Lady! The world doesn't stop just because you've had a baby!" It felt GOOD getting out of the house!
I've got to work this AM, but I'm going to go get her around noon and we're going to spend the afternoon carving pumpkins and napping. Then this evening we will have Halloween Supper (pumpkins with yummy filling) and some trick or treating afterwards if she's still awake. ;)
Wow, look at you getting out there already! Today we're staying home...I plan to take pictures and finish LG's costume. Then tonight my parents are coming over to watch the twins while we go to a friend's house to trick or treat with a group of LG's friends. It should be interesting; it'll be the first time I've been away from the babies for more than twenty minutes since we were in the hospital.
Wow! You are very ambitious for being the mom of newborn twins & a toddler! It makes me tired, and I would guess I'm getting a little more sleep than you these days!
We are off to run some errands and then a visit with the grandparents, and then off to a party and trick or treating tonight. I'll definitely post pictures of Thing One & Thing Two tomorrow! =)
Sounds like a wonderful evening. Little Elvis went to a party last night, and we've picked out a few events we hope he can make it through today. And he has to show off his cute costume to the neighbors.
Hope you guys have a great Halloween!
Great photos Kristi! (as alway) and love Isabella's costume. Too cute! Hope everyone is doing well on your end.
I, too, am impressed that you are already out an about. After a C-Section, no less.
Are you going as SuperMom?? :-)
Headed to a party in 30 minutes!! Happy Halloween Isabella and Kristi!
ahhh she looks soo cute... and don't over do it... but it is awesome you getting out for a bit... I'm sure you need it hehehe...
She's too cute! I love the Elmo pumpkin too. We ended up with a Mickey one because Munchkin is obsessed with him right now.
Happy Halloween to you guys and your little pumpkins!
Such a cutie, and I totally get the doorbells. We let our kiddo ring ours a few times just for giggles and he LOVED it. Happy Halloween!
Did you really carve an Elmo jack-o-lantern?! Isabella looks like she's having a great time.