Five Words I Thought I'd Never Say

Thank you, George W. Bush.

My "economic stimulus" check arrived in the mail yesterday.

I'll be doing my part to bolster the crappy U.S. economy by paying bills and buying various and sundry baby gear.

If you're getting a check, how are you planning to use it?

Thanks for the blogaversary wishes. You came up with some great questions. Answers are coming soon!

Also, the July issue of Root and Sprout is live. I have one article in this month's issue, about 5 easy things you can do to give your baby a healthy and "green" start. To submit your own article to Root and Sprout, check out the writer's guidelines here.

6 Responses to “Five Words I Thought I'd Never Say”

  1. # Blogger

    Whooot! Patrick seems to think we need a large screen tv. I beg to differ. I hope to use it to finish the basement off.  

  2. # Anonymous Anonymous

    I bought myself a sweet new MAC with my stimulus check, which I plan to continue using to blog about how much I can't stand Bush. lol  

  3. # Blogger Jesser

    Ours went to China (or Guam??) in the form of new computer parts for the file server. Wheee!  

  4. # Blogger Pregnantly Plump

    So we aren't doing anything exciting with ours. It's in the bank collecting interest, and will most likely pay for gas or groceries.
    We are such fuddy duddies.  

  5. # Blogger Damselfly

    Congrats! That's a great article. I especially love the tip to borrow or use second-hand things.  

  6. # Blogger Chastity

    You know, I have no idea if we've gotten our economic stimulus check. I assume we have, but I'm terrible at keeping up with things like that. Either way, it's going toward our basement renovation.  

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