Quick Snapshot:
34-year-old writer and
mother to a daughter
born in August 2006 following
IVF and girl/boy twins born in October 2008 following FET. Come along as I document the search for my lost intellect. It's a bumpy ride. Consider yourself warned.100 Things About Me My Blogger Profile Send Me an E-mail "All journeys have secret destinations of which the traveler is unaware." -Martin Buber

Inside My Suitcase:


Along for the Ride:
- 4everMom
- Asthma Mom
- Baby on Bored
- Barren Albion
- Bathtub Junkie
- Binulatti
- Bite Your Tongue
- Cats in the Cradle
- Colorado Foodie
- Drovers Run
- Growing a Life
- Hopeful Mother
- Jesser
- Judy
- Kross-Eyed Kitty
- Lis Garrett
- M's Blog
- Mar's Musings
- Melissa
- Mrs. Mogul
- Mush
- My Wombinations
- PractiGal
- Pregnantly Plump
- Princess and Johnsy
- Shokufeh
- Shopaholic Lass
- Simply Mel
- Sticky Feet
- Sugar and Ice
- Swimming with Sharks
- Thalia
- This Endless Love
- Tracey
- Westering Hills
- What Did You Eat?
- Whimsical Chaos

Completed Journeys:
- July 2005
- August 2005
- September 2005
- October 2005
- November 2005
- December 2005
- January 2006
- February 2006
- March 2006
- April 2006
- May 2006
- June 2006
- July 2006
- August 2006
- September 2006
- October 2006
- November 2006
- December 2006
- January 2007
- February 2007
- March 2007
- April 2007
- May 2007
- June 2007
- July 2007
- August 2007
- September 2007
- October 2007
- November 2007
- December 2007
- January 2008
- February 2008
- March 2008
- April 2008
- May 2008
- June 2008
- July 2008
- August 2008
- September 2008
- October 2008
- November 2008
- December 2008
- January 2009
- February 2009
- March 2009
- April 2009
- May 2009
- June 2009
- July 2009
- August 2009
- September 2009
- October 2009
- November 2009
- December 2009
- January 2010
- February 2010
- March 2010
- April 2010
- May 2010
- June 2010
- July 2010
- August 2010
- September 2010
- October 2010
- November 2010
- December 2010
- January 2011
- February 2011
- March 2011
- April 2011
- June 2011
- July 2011

Looking for Something?

Off the Beaten Path:

Design: Lisanne, based on a template by Gecko and Fly
HA! Those are some serious angry eyebrows!
that expression is priceless!
AWEsome. Love the caption.
That picture is priceless. Of courese she won't be happy with you in 13 years!
I know that look all too well!
LOL! That is such a great photo. We have a similar one of my sister doing her "pouty face" when she was about that age. We love to laugh at it even now. :)
That look is priceless!
One of my friends has a daughter who also does a great "stink eye." Luckily I haven't felt the wrath of the stink eye, but she likes to bring it out when least expected.
This girl has the best "looks that could kill!"
(I am wondering . . . does she get that from you or the mister?)
Ah, sweet toddler angst!
Ohhh - what a look!! But such a cute little girl!! I love your caption!
Excellent photo. I found your blog through Root and Sprout. I think I'll go look around some more. Nice to meet you.
You just cheered me up!!!!!!