Twin Peeks

Last week, I had my very first pregnancy dream. After not having one single dream about being pregnant, giving birth, or babies the entire time I was carrying Isabella, I had quite the startling one.

In my dream, I was receiving an ultrasound a few weeks following the news of the twins. Instead of twins, the ultrasound revealed that I was having triplets: two girls and a boy. I cannot stress to you how completely vivid this dream was. Needless to say, I awoke in a panic.

I had an ultrasound today.

And I am still having twins.
(I had you going there for a minute, didn't I?)

Before the ultrasound began, the tech asked me if I wanted to know the genders if she was able to detect them. This surprised me, as I am only 14 weeks along, and I didn't think the appropriate visuals would be decipherable at this early stage.
The hubs and I had discussed wanting to find out the sexes beforehand. With Isabella, we didn't want to know, and indeed she was the "Beastie" until August 22, 2006, the day she was born. Not knowing goes completely against my Type A personality. I am an organizer, a planner. I do not do things on the spur of the moment. But we decided then that we had waited so long to have a baby that we could wait nine months longer and receive the awesome surprise at the end of what turned out to be an almost three-year wait to become parents. And it truly was a wonderful surprise.
When I first found out I was pregnant again, and we were told we were having one, we decided to not find out the gender again. When we were later told we were having two, suddenly I had to know. I can't quite explain it. It isn't as if we would have to rush out and buy a ton of boy clothes if one or both was a boy, since quite a bit of Isabella's 0-3 month wardrobe is "gender-neutral" anyway. And since I'm not big on gender-specific nursery themes, it isn't as if I wanted to paint rocket ships on the walls if we were having two boys, or drape everything in pink gingham if we were having two girls.
But need to know I did. And yesterday, I found out the genders of the twins:
This is Baby A:

Baby A is a GIRL!

This is Baby B:

Baby B is a BOY!

I'm having one of each.

As for how I'm feeling about the genders, I'm going to be completely honest. First and foremost, two healthy babies is what I desire most. After that, I wanted a sister for Isabella. My sister and I are 19 months apart, and when we weren't trying to yank each other's hair out by the roots, we were extremely close. There's nothing quite like the sisterhood bond, and I wanted Isabella to have a chance to experience that. Assuming all continues to go well, she will. Plus, I'm thrilled to be able to trot out her cute baby clothes for a second time.

After that, the gender of the second baby really didn't matter to me. While a house of girls has a certain appeal, I am glad to have the challenge of raising a boy ahead of me. I didn't grow up with a lot of males in my life. My parents divorced when I was two. I basically saw my dad every other weekend, and unfortunately, not very often since my teen years. I have two half-sisters from my dad's second marriage. My closest in age cousins are girls, and while my mom has four siblings (two sisters and two brothers) the ones I'm closest to are my aunts. It's all estrogen, all the time in my family, and because of this, I'm not quite sure what to do with a boy.

That said, I have a lot of close friends with boys, and I'm sure I'll pick up some pointers along the way.

I have a lot more to say on this topic, but for now, I'm happy to say that I am slightly in love with these two little ones, and very, very lucky indeed.

22 Responses to “Twin Peeks”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Oh goodness! Twins. I have Irish Twins (15 months apart). It's interesting. I couldn't IMAGINE having twins but it was darn close. I had two babies at one time. It was insane. Now they are so close. They even had their own language at one point. It is so cool to watch them because they are their own little world. We just live in it.

    The problem comes when they decide to become snobs and not let anyone in that circle. Or when they teach each other bad things! ; )

    It is is so awesome though. My other children don't behave that way together!

    BTW my sister and I used to pull out each others hair by the roots too! Unfortunatley, I don't talk to her much anymore. I miss those days. I understand where you are coming from. Being that close makes children closer.

    I'm done rambling. Good luck! Keep your feet up. Oh, and boys rock. I have 3. You will never be busier!  

  2. # Blogger Damselfly

    Hey! Isn't that what I commented that I thought would be perfect (for myself) -- a boy and a girl? Congrats again.  

  3. # Blogger Jesser

    That is FREAKING FABULOUS!! Congratulations. How incredibly exciting!!! YAY! I would be excited about a sis for my daughter too ... since my sis and I are very close as well. I think it's a wonderful thing.  

  4. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Congratulations! That is so exciting.  

  5. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Like I told you yesterday, boys can be a challenge, but they love you in a way unlike girls do. I'm so happy that you will get to experience having both a boy and girl. I couldn't imagine a better outcome (other than the fact they are healthy). :-)  

  6. # Blogger Mom24

    Aaawww! I always wanted boy-girl twins. I love the matching outfits. What can I say? I'm deep that way! That is awesome the way it worked out--a sister for Isabella, and a boy to boot. Boys will be easier than you think. Plus, there is something just so sweet about how much a little boy loves his mommy. My girls do too, but maybe it just seems so different because you wouldn't necessarily expect that out of a boy. My 7 year old and I still rock for a few minutes together every night...I treasure that time together. I know all too soon it will be over.  

  7. # Blogger

    One of each!! Congratulations, honey. I'm really happy for you!!  

  8. # Blogger Marie

    WOO! Look at those beautiful babies. I'd be in love too!

    And a girl and a boy! So exciting!!

    I had similar feelings about having a boy, coming from an all-estrogen family, but now (of course) I can't imagine NOT having a boy. He'll show you the way! Little boys rock!!! (in my biased view)  

  9. # Blogger Chastity

    Congrats! I respect when people decide to wait until the children are born to find out the sex, but I think it's just as exciting regardless of when you find out. A boy and a girl...very cool! I kind of felt the same as you. Two healthy babies were my main priority. After that I had so many pros in my mind for each gender combination that I really didn't have my heart set on anything (though I did sort of want a sister for Lila).  

  10. # Blogger Tiki, Kirby, and StanLee

    Congratulations! We are a boy & a girl too and we think it's great that you are having one of each! We were part of a litter of 4 and then the following week our auntie kitty had 6 more in the same box with us, so we became a litter of 10. So we think that you'll do just great with 2!  

  11. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Yes, Congrats! One of each! That's terribly exciting and I'm jealous--love my girls, but I did want the experience of raising a boy, too. (I'm closer to my twin brother than my older sister.)

    Fantastic news. :)  

  12. # Blogger shokufeh

    I think this is a situation where I would also find out the sex of the babies. And this sounds like a winner. I like that Isabelle will have a sister, and feel like it will be less likely that she'll feel excluded from the twindom, having that bond of sisterhood.  

  13. # Anonymous Anonymous

    I knew it! I knew you were going to have one of each, as I had a dream about it! I don't think I'm psychic or anything, but it was a gut feeling from which my brain created a plot. Yay!  

  14. # Blogger Hopeful Mother

    I'm so excited that you found out their genders. Great news indeed!

    I'm assuming you also had the nuchal translucency tests done during the ultrasound?  

  15. # Anonymous Anonymous

    How great! Congratulations on finding out! It's *wonderful* having one of each, from personal experience. I, too, didn't know much about little boys, but I knew that it would be such a joy to learn! (And it has been!) You are having the best of both worlds! SO excited for you!!!  

  16. # Blogger Gal on the Go

    I'm so excited for you! One of each can't ask for better than that! Your husband must also be ecstatic about having a son. But the girls will still out number him :-)Congrats!  

  17. # Blogger beagle


  18. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Oh, twins! Ive always wanted twins! But I must admit, right now with an 8 week old baby who is a bit colicky I'm thanking my lucky stars there's just one of him :) But two! That's going to be so cooL!  

  19. # Blogger sunShine

    OH MY GOODNESS TWINS! If I ever had twins I wanted one of each! I am so thrilled for you. That is just awesome!  

  20. # Blogger Shannon

    wow... one of each... tooo cool... and I can see Isabella dressing her little brother up in girl clothes or something like that lol... but I am so excited for ya...  

  21. # Blogger Leslie

    One of each! Cool! Be sure to buy a pee pee tee pee for the little boy's diaper changes. I've heard stories of being sprayed while changing. They just don't have the aim thing down right away, you knows?  

  22. # Blogger The Queen B

    Wow! How completely perfect!  

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  • 34-year-old writer and
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