August 21st (most likely). I say "most likely" because I found out yesterday that my OB won't be the one performing my c-section. Boo! Hiss! Unfortunately, she's going to be on vacation that week, so before she can confirm the 21st, she has to check with the doctor in the practice who is doing the surgeries for that day. Assuming she agrees and doesn't have too many other c-sections scheduled for that date, Beastie will make his/her debut into the world on August 21st.
My appointment was routine, as they all have been. I gained three pounds (which Rich is thrilled about, because he's been harping on me to eat, eat, eat and stop exercising, as he was under the impression that I wasn't gaining enough weight). So far I've gained a total of 11 pounds, which my doctor said is fine. Beastie's heart was pounding away in the high 140s, and my blood pressure was good as well.
I start going for my appointments every two weeks now, since next week begins my 3rd trimester. I can't believe it's here already. At my next apppointment I have to take the 1 hour glucose challenge test. I have to drink this 12 ounce bottle of what looks like orange soda (or pop if you're from my part of the country) in five minutes, and then one hour later have my blood drawn. This is to check for gestational diabetes (GD), which I am praying to G-O-D I don't have. Any pregnant woman can have GD, and if I have it, it will involve taking my blood sugar every day, and radically changing my diet to eliminate virtually all carbs and sugars. Considering my...ahem...restricted and constricted diet as it is, if I have GD I'll basically cut my food list in half.
We survived registering last Saturday. We spent almost 4 hours in Babies R Us. Rich was getting tired, cranky, and frustrated about one hour into things, and I can't say I really blamed him. The store was crowded with equally clueless couples registering and annoying children running about. That and the fact that we really were questioning every item we scanned (that is, once we figured out what the heck some of the items were for. The nasal aspirator does WHAT?).
We ordered a glider for the baby's room, which should arrive sometime in late June. And last night, the travel system Rich's mom bought us as an early shower present arrived. Rich is painting the nursery yellow on Saturday. I can't believe this is my life now. I am about 12 weeks away from bringing home the baby I thought I would never have. And I'm not taking one second, not one sleepless, multiple-trip-to-the-bathroom night, nor one slower-than-it-used-to-be trip up the three flights of stairs to my office, nor one caffeine-deprived morning for granted.
Here's my latest "belly shot," taken last night at 26 weeks. Quite the difference from the previous two, taken at 18 weeks, ad 22 weeks, respectively.

18 weeks

22 weeks
26 weeks
My appointment was routine, as they all have been. I gained three pounds (which Rich is thrilled about, because he's been harping on me to eat, eat, eat and stop exercising, as he was under the impression that I wasn't gaining enough weight). So far I've gained a total of 11 pounds, which my doctor said is fine. Beastie's heart was pounding away in the high 140s, and my blood pressure was good as well.
I start going for my appointments every two weeks now, since next week begins my 3rd trimester. I can't believe it's here already. At my next apppointment I have to take the 1 hour glucose challenge test. I have to drink this 12 ounce bottle of what looks like orange soda (or pop if you're from my part of the country) in five minutes, and then one hour later have my blood drawn. This is to check for gestational diabetes (GD), which I am praying to G-O-D I don't have. Any pregnant woman can have GD, and if I have it, it will involve taking my blood sugar every day, and radically changing my diet to eliminate virtually all carbs and sugars. Considering my...ahem...restricted and constricted diet as it is, if I have GD I'll basically cut my food list in half.
We survived registering last Saturday. We spent almost 4 hours in Babies R Us. Rich was getting tired, cranky, and frustrated about one hour into things, and I can't say I really blamed him. The store was crowded with equally clueless couples registering and annoying children running about. That and the fact that we really were questioning every item we scanned (that is, once we figured out what the heck some of the items were for. The nasal aspirator does WHAT?).
We ordered a glider for the baby's room, which should arrive sometime in late June. And last night, the travel system Rich's mom bought us as an early shower present arrived. Rich is painting the nursery yellow on Saturday. I can't believe this is my life now. I am about 12 weeks away from bringing home the baby I thought I would never have. And I'm not taking one second, not one sleepless, multiple-trip-to-the-bathroom night, nor one slower-than-it-used-to-be trip up the three flights of stairs to my office, nor one caffeine-deprived morning for granted.
Here's my latest "belly shot," taken last night at 26 weeks. Quite the difference from the previous two, taken at 18 weeks, ad 22 weeks, respectively.

18 weeks

22 weeks

Yay for August! Wow, I feel like the time has just flown by.
Crazy, crazy...and you are so cute and tiny still, I can't believe it's so close.
You look great Kristi!!
I'm still smiling after reading this post. I'm just so happy for you guys!
August 21st will be here before you know it. And you'll find out all about the nasal aspirator! ;-) Ooooh the glider rocker. That was probably my favorite pre-baby purchase. And we still use it every day.
Ohhhh! I'm just so excited for you Kristi!
Wow! August 21st is coming soon! To think, I'll be about 1 month after you! :)
You look great too! I'm glad I'm not the only one out there on the "tiny" pregnancy side. I feel like everyone else is huge compared to me.
oh wow
the 21st of August is my little sisters birthday! CRZY
You look so cute!!!
Too bad that your OB won't be the one to do the c-section. Will you be able to meet with the one who will be there?
Good luck with the glucose test, hope the results are normal.
Wowsers! I like how you wear the same top each time, so we can get a true comparison. You look great!
I'm crossing my fingers on the GD thing for you. BLAH!
Wow, a Leo-Virgo cusp baby! Sorry, I was just looking for something different to say than everybody else, who already beat me to the punch of yay and congrats!
Oh, by the way, I'm truly amazed that your hair looks exactly the same & perfect in every shot. My hair looks different and generally asinine at any given moment. What's your secret?!
Nice little bump you got going there!
annelyn-Thank you! I am too!
Christine-the last few weeks have flown by for me too. In the beginning though, time was dragging.
Marie-Thanks! I'm excited about the glider too. It's so comfortable.
M-I know! It's just three months away. The "looking small" thing had me freaked out, because I kept hearing it from everyone. So I asked my doctor about it, and she said every pregnant woman carries her baby differently, and that I was measuring right on target, which is all that matters.
Clare-hmm... is that a good or a bad thing?
Ramona-I definitely want to meet the OB who is doing the surgery. Since I have this prior history of abdominal surgery, I want her to be very familair with my case.
L-Thanks! I need all the luck I can get.
Shannon-Thank you. And my secret is that I just have really bad, really thin, awful hair. But your compliment makes me feel so great! It needs to be cut (badly) because with all the hormones, it's growing like crazy. Karrie got the good hair gene in the family. I did not.
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